About Us

Reaching out to the people of Roodewal to share Gods love,
to restore hope and to rebuild lives.

Nehemiah Project was founded in 2010 by Johan and Sanne to meet and assist the needs of the community of Roodewaal in Worcester, South Africa as they refelect God’s love for His people. Nehemiah Project functions under the umbrella of Youth With A Mission.

At Nehemiah Project, we believe in being proactive rather than reactive. In other words, we focus on prevention. Our main focus is on helping the young generation. They are the ones breaking the negative generational cycle of alcoholism, drug abuse, violence and poverty. We walk with children and youth on their journey, encouraging them to dream and plan for their future. We support them to improve their chances of achieving those dreams. Our top priority is their eternal well-being, following the teachings of Matthew 28, to love God and our neighbors.

Nehemiah Project Aims

Access to Quality Education

Ensure that all children and teenagers have access to quality education, including proper facilities, well-trained teachers, and relevant curriculum, which can empower them for a better future.

We do that by providing school stationary and school clothes for those who struggle to afford it and without these things they are not allowed to go to school.
We also help them to do better in school and not drop out, by practicing reading and motivating.

Life Skills Development

Offer programs that teach essential life skills such as communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and financial literacy, enabling them to navigate various challenges effectively.

Health and Nutrition

Improve access to healthcare services and promote proper nutrition, ensuring the physical well-being of children and teenagers, which is crucial for their overall development.
#We provide them with a healthy snack in the program and kids who go hungry can get food from staff who live in the community and cook for the kids on Fridays. We provide groceries when a child ask us if the family is going hungry or a family member spends a day in hospital. We collaborate with other YWAM soupkitchens.

Mentorship and Guidance

Establish mentorship programs that connect children and teenagers with positive role models who can provide guidance, support, and encouragement as they navigate their formative years.
Our staff function as these role models.

Youth Empowerment and Leadership

Encourage leadership skills and empower teenagers to take active roles in their communities, fostering a sense of responsibility and civic engagement.

Safe Spaces

Create safe environments where children and teenagers can learn, play, and express themselves without fear, helping to build their self-esteem and confidence.

Arts and Culture

Promote participation in artistic and cultural activities, such as music, art, dance, and drama, which can boost creativity, self-expression, and a sense of belonging.

Digital Literacy

Provide access to technology and digital literacy programs, equipping children and teenagers with essential skills for the modern world.
We enrolled some of our older teenagers in a computer skills program in collaboration with other YWAM ministries

Conflict Resolution

Teach conflict resolution and communication skills to help them develop healthy relationships and address disagreements constructively.

Gender Equality

Promote gender equality and empower girls and boys to pursue their aspirations without being limited by traditional gender roles or stereotypes.

Community Involvement

Encourage active participation in community service and volunteer activities, fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy towards others.

Career Exploration

Offer career guidance and exposure to various professions, helping teenagers make informed decisions about their future paths.
This is on our agenda for 2024

Sports and Physical Activities

Provide opportunities for sports and physical activities that promote physical health, teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship.

Environmental Awareness

Educate children and teenagers about the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices to create a more environmentally conscious generation.

Access to Counselling

Establish accessible counseling services to provide emotional support and address mental health challenges that children and teenagers might face.

At Nehemiah Project, we believe that each one of us has not only been saved from something but that we have also been saved for something. If you believe you are called to fight alongside Nehemiah Project and the team we have, if your heart aches for the hurting people around the world, we invite you to answer the call and join our mission today. You can support us through donations, prayer support, or come volunteer with us. 

We want you to be Involved

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