Hello! We are Johan and Sanne


Johan and Sanne Slager are the founders of the Nehemiah Project. They are parents to four unique, character-filled children: Joshua who was born in the Netherlands and Naama, Isaiah and Hadassah born in South Africa.
Originally from the Netherlands, the happy tribe has been loving and living in South Africa since 2010, after they completed their Discipleship Training School with YWAM Worcester in 2008. During their Outreach with YWAM Worcester they had the opportunity to engage with Kibbutz El-shammah, a local NGO working among the community of Roodewal in Worcester. With eyes incredibly opened for the broken hearted and their lives unbelievably transformed, a purpose had birthed in their hearts and their lives have never been the same. In 2018 they handed over the leadership to Wilfred and Christine and since 2019 the Slager family is back in the Netherlands.

 “After outreach the seeds were planted as we felt God’s heartbeat for the Children…”

”Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; and plead the case of the widow."

– Isaiah 1:17