Hello! We are Wilfred and Christine

“Our hearts are for the children, helping them to not only know God but to also strive for a better life...”

It was during a visit to the gigantesque and beautiful Missionary Ship Anastasia, from the well-known Mercy Ships, that Christine fell in love with Missions by the age of eleven. Though she was not a doctor (since Mercy Ships mainly focuses on Medical assistance) this young Dutch lady from Amersfoort didn’t stop pursuing her dream to help and serve others.

Married in 2001, together with Wilfred’s fiery desire for discipleship for the younger generation, their family of four moved to South Africa in 2016. They joined Nehemiah Project with plenty of enthusiasm as co-leaders at the end of 2016, after completing their Discipleship Training School with Youth With A Mission in Worcester, South Africa. In 2018 the leadership stick was passed on from Johan and Sanne Slager, founders of the project.

Isaiah 1:17 is what stimulated them to move, with their children Markus and Noa Maria, to run the project on a daily basis. Both their experience as Youth Leaders in church and Christine’s music therapy skills proves to be very handy in running creative programs with the different age groups of kids and teenagers.

 Wilfred and Christine believe in working together, as NGO’s, churches, companies and everyone who wants to make a difference.

They are part of the Base Leadership of YWAM Worcester, a Christian, interdenominational, international organisation with about 80 missionaries. They also oversee more then twenty ministries in Worcester. The Nehemiah Project is one of them. They are active members of the Worcester Christen Gemeente.

”Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; and plead the case of the widow."

– Isaiah 1:17